
BTC - Bullish Market

30% retrace complete - Although like many I was expecting this sooner ($30k). H&S and price action looks bullish. Once we are through this chop I'm expecting the market to move up. Target TBC

- Risk Event - Expecting equity markets to drop nearing end of Jan (driven by solvencies, etc). With policy changes due in US (QE) the likelihood is now reduced (but I'm sure the markets are looking for an excuse to go short and pundits will finally get something right ;)
- Potential to drop further - always. $24k target would be extremely bullish imao) to retest the 2017 ATH break.

New Strategies:
- ALTS hit entry target. I sold off 20% on way down to further diversify portfolio - smaller ALTs (e.g. DMTUSD). A risk if BTC sucks them dry on next move up.

Best, Hard Forky


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