
Rally Alert - Parabolic Stacked Formation Reversal

Rally Alert - Parabolic Stacked Formation Reversal

Pullback Alert - Parabolic Downside Stacked Formation

Alert 07-24-2019

Possible Upsurge Rally Failed due Parabolic Downside Stacked Formation

Liquidity Pool w/ Upsurge & Neg Overflow

Parabolic Stacked on Downside, Primed for a Hard Pullback

Called during Rally Down to 9,500 - 9,600

(Alert Date: 07-24-2019)

Fell from 9,911.76 down to 9,506.22

Possible Parabolic Reversal on Pullback Event & Rally Afterward

Alert Links as Posted

Previous Alert 07-23-2019

Possible Upsurge Rally Failed due Parabolic Downside Stacked Formation

Liquidity Pool w/ Upsurge & Neg Overflow

Parabolic Stacked on Downside, Primed for a Hard Pullback

Called during Rally Down to 9,500 - 9,600

(Alert Date: 07-23-2019)

Fell from 10,214.12 down to 9,601.00 then down to a day of low 9,550.80

After the Rally Call on 09-24-2019 Bitcoin Rallied from 9,506.22 up to 10,183.37

Three Calls in a 2 Days on this post and all Three Calls were on the Mark; 4 with the ^Severed Left Dragon Shoulder^ before the Head Formation that was also Called Yesterday on 07-23-2019 prior to this publication!


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