Diamond Top followed by smaller continuation diamond

lookin' like we have hit our smaller continuation diamond target but not yet reached the 10.6k range to hit our larger diamond top target yet. We can see price is currently finding support exactly on the 2hr 200ma. Recently had a 1hr deathcross and that coupled with the ETF delay FUD is probably just enough of an excuse to send prices back down...our 3 day 50ma is currently sitting right around 8k and climbing fast so if gapboys are gonna hav their drams of he 8.5k gap getting filled this is one of the last time windows to pull i off considering that the 3 day 50ma tends to be massively reliable support during bull markets and price is highly unlikely to close a candle below it. Only way I could see bc closing a candle below the 3 day 50ma a his point and/or flipping it to solidified resistance is if the bull market is already over which is highly highly unlikely but not impossible, if that's he case then all the elliot wave doomboys may actually be right but for now I doubt it
bicoinBTCBTCUSDChart PatternsdelaydiamondpatterndiamondtopETFTrend Analysis
