
Bitcoin Is About To Break!

Hello dear crypto friends, yesterday's analysis was spot on: We correctly analysed that we will further tighten, even with much less information than we currently have:

=> The break is now imminent, and will come in the next few hours/weekend. We got even tighter over yesterday. So what is the most probable breakout, given the current information?

=> We have clearly been on a bullish upmove since 9k, we are not oversold on the Daily, MACD is positive, and on the 4H we almost have a Morning Star reversal: This all speaks for bullish continuation.

But nonetheless, to spare yourself headaches, better wait for the breakout. If you're a real trader (which the majority of the 'chartists' on TradingView clearly isn't) you can play in both directions.

Don't forget my friends: There is a big difference in nice 'Moon' charts, and real trading. If you're interested in the latter, let me know.

And with that, have a beautiful weekend! ;)


이 정보와 게시물은 TradingView에서 제공하거나 보증하는 금융, 투자, 거래 또는 기타 유형의 조언이나 권고 사항을 의미하거나 구성하지 않습니다. 자세한 내용은 이용 약관을 참고하세요.