OBV and Acc/Dist. Observations to choose a partner for CMF

At first I figured it would be redundant to have Acc/Dist and CMF, and was curious about using OBV with it for a slightly different signal. However, upon observing the behaviors of OBV vs Acc/Dist over a short timespan, I have found Acc/dist to provide slightly more pronounced signals, as well as a divergence that did not show up on the OBV. Both signal lines had one false breakout, so the results of this (quite limited) comparison show Acc/Dist as the winner. OBV offered nothing at all that would be considered better.

This limited comparison suffices for me because as a new trader it is more important for me to decide on a set of tools and learn to use them than it is for me to nitpick. I wouldn't have confidence in my decisions if I didn't familiarize myself at least a little with their differences and traits, though.
