Retracement Mapping

BTC-XLM 업데이트됨   
Hello friends,
What do you think of when you hear the phrase “Past makes future "?

My way:

Retracement mapping: any prescribed way of assigning to each domain in one set (initial domain), in another set (future domain)

In other word, retracement mapping (Geometric mapping or map-to- map transformation)
is a method to perform some operations on a retracement domain, in order to get a future retracement domain or to extract some useful information from it (output may be features associated with that retracement).

linear mapping:
To apply the retracement mapping method to a domain, the initial domain (retracement) is converted to Pitchfork in which each high (or low) entry, corresponds to the high (or low) at the future time.

Case 1: Comparing the result of the presented method against actual data (2019 to 2020) revealed excellent agreement with them.

Case 2: Comparing the result of the presented method against actual data (2019 to 2021) revealed excellent agreement with them, this shows a small margin of error in the calculation.

Non-linear mapping:
This allows the coordinate(s) to be multiplied by a Non-linear transformation.

This is easier said than done!


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