
Whales accumulate on the timid and the weak or just inexperience

We see this quite often in BTC, Especially at ATH levels where inexperienced speculators flood into the space dreaming of bitcoin millions but really are not believers. Whales feed, normies Bleed might be a good Alternate title.

we continue to see resistance flipped support on an ATH, heavy action to get the Chart watchers who Zoom way in and watch charts on 1 and 5 minute intervals in awe of Bitcoins ability to gain 1000 dollars in value in what amounts to a trip to the fridge. These same people also panic buy rallys and panic sell reversals.

I cannot stress enough that if you are new to crypto, have some thoughts that it is a scam, that it is not a real world asset or any other doubt, but you cannot deny that people are making money and you like money too, right?
Right? Well, If you like money, why do you give it away?
Let me guess , I know the answer I think, it's simple isn't it.
You like money and you made a mistake, what are you doing messing with this crypto business anyway, you should have trusted your initial feelings of doubt and stayed far away and you just want out, if you've lost 30% and its only been a few hours you may as well count your blessings you've even got that left, better get out fast before Bitcoin goes into the negatives and your on the street eating from the trash. Right?

Hold on, Stop that thinking, you've fallen for the okie doak and are a mark, a sucker, rube, ok ok ok , that isn't productive but now that we've established that, what now?
Cash out, sell your electronics, move to a commune and worship the water nymph queen who above all things else is the true expression of feminine purity in a world controlled by the patriarch. Listen, I don't want to slap you and have no clue what any of that means, but let me tell you something. I was once you, well, almost, but in spirit, yes.

Until I learned "How to take BTC Whales to the ground with this one trick"

Yes, and its simple, Don't sell at a loss. Just don't

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