
Global Liquidity Cycles vs Bitcoin Cycles

In this analysis, we will compare the Global Liquidity Cycles with Bitcoin Cycles on the weekly timeframe. The top pane shows the Bitcoin weekly price, while the bottom panes showcases Global Liquidity and Bitcoin cycles.

Bitcoin tops (the bottom pane) are highlighted in red with a level of 75+ and the bottoms are highlighted in green with a level of 15 or lower.

In the middle pane (second up from bottom), we can see the global liquidity cycles. The tops are shown with values of 90+ and the bottoms are shown with a value of 30 or less.

The vertical gray lines help to illustrate how the global liquidity cycles align with the Bitcoin cycles. The bottom two panes include projections into the future, with values projected with a 4-year and 8-year offset.

This analysis allows us to understand the projected cycles for the current market top, with the middle of 2025 as the market top for both the global liquidity and bitcoin.

It's fascinating (and a blessing) that Bitcoin aligns so well with global liquidity, enabling investors with knowledge of these high-level cycles to better time the market.


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