
Positive Sign With White Energy Crossing Above 50% in 9-Day TF.

WyckoffMode 업데이트됨   
I posted a similar chart to the cover chart for this publication in the last update of my previous BTCUSD publication. Yes, I have made a few alterations and additions but the chart; for the most part; remains the same. If my previous analysis is correct, we should see continued upward price movement but in a slow methodical inclination until the last week of April to first week of May. Once we get to the last week of April or first week of May, we should begin to see momentum increase to the upside. Again, this is "IF" my analysis is correct. The reason I'm saying we should begin to see momentum increase to the upside the last week of April or first week of May is due to what I'm seeing in the 9-Day time frame.

Here's the cover chart once again; in case it is hard to view on the cover chart:

9-Day Time Frame: This can be a very positive sign for the bulls with the White Energy having crossed ABOVE the 50% level in the 9-Day TF.

Cleaned up this 2-Day chart a bit by removing the yellow scribble.
Just as I mentioned before in a previous publication THE DAY IT WAS ANNOUNCED; we have others making similar argument; We could very well see a crypto currency pump begin out of fear STABLE COINS could potentially be banned at the behest of the IMF and BIS recommendations. I can see BitFinex and other exchanges using Tether begin to create STABLE COINS out of thin air in an effort to accumulate cryptos before STABLE COINS are potentially banned. Yes, this implies crypto exchanges are trading against their subscribers. www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_3Ob4lx...
By the way, the previous link focuses on Tether Treasury printed more Tethers (Stable coins) OUT OF THIN AIR. Where (what exchange) do those Tethers go? BOTTOM LINE: More STABLE COINS are being created out of thin air on many exchanges to accumulate more crypto. I cannot emphasize enough to PLEASE make sure you do not keep more cryptos on exchanges you are not comfortable losing.

I won't bother drawing a bunch of lines well into the future anymore when posting publications. We'll try to focus no further than a month into the future from here on out. Yes, I may occasionally post a publication for an "opinion" of an All Time High at the end of a Wyckoff Accumulation Schematic in Phase E with a "Buying Climax." However, as far as projecting what the price action might look like many months in advance on the way to that Buying Climax... I'm not going to do that again.


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