
The 50/50 market

Yesterday threw a lot of people off. Bitcoin pump to roughly 7300, but than fell off the cliff. What was interesting saying the Elliot wave didn’t play out, yet it did with only lasting about 15min, check the 5minute volume, will link yesterday’s TA below. We than hit a low of7039 roughly before bouncing up and gaining support from 7124 and now bouncing above and under the short term uptrend line from December 4th.

To me that dump might have just thrown off shorts and longs, yet this created a double bottom with a small head, yes my other TA said double bottom but I’m corrected and that was a double top before the dump to now.

Again I’m gonna go with long, yet again very Volatile and I expect massive moves very soon. Everyone is shorting, yet bullish TA is what is being given to us on the hourly.

Be safe and don’t use any leverage above 30x. Give yourself that wiggle room until we can have concert TA on a bullish or bearish trend. Breaking below 6.9k will be bearish. Above 7.3k is bullish

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