
Sooooo ... "The Buyers Didn't Buy..." - then who just did ?

A certain 'Anal-ist', let's call him ...erm .. "Voodoo-Feeces-Shooter" keeps talking about certain entities he called "BUYERS" and that they DID NOT buy .. so other entities, he calls "SELLERS" DID sell.

I'm really puzzled by this .. because .. then who just bought those thousands of bitcoins on all these exchanges ? It wasn't the "BUYERS" .. obviously .. then who ?
Maybe it was Santa-Claus (which is clearly not a BUYER .. nor a SELLER for that matter, as he gives away stuff for free)


Dear Fecal-flinger,

I have the utmost respect for your anal-yses but please stop treating traders as if they were independent party's. They are not.
Sellers were Buyers before (otherwise they wouldn't have anything to sell...)
Buyers will become Sellers at one time (what other purpose is there in trading than trying to make a profit)
Bulls turn into Bears
Bears into Bulls
and whales? don't get me started ...

Happy trading,
Je Buurman

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