
The Bottom Is Far Lower Than Anyone Believes Possible

Nothing to see here. Just a placeholder to look back to, in the future.

"only the oldest participants have experienced real capitulation and nobody listens to those old codgers because this time it's different"

About 46 million Americans (roughly 22% of the adult population) own a share of Bitcoin.

62% of Cryptocurrency Investors Believe They'll Get Rich Fast.

Approximately 2 million Americans (1 percent) are pathological gamblers. An additional 2-3% of Americans experience problems due to their gambling behavior.

The current population of the United States of America is 334,458,823 as of Friday, April 15, 2022.

Population of America * 0.03% (gamblers) = 10,033,764.69.

Will the 1 out of 4 BTC hodlers from the recent bull run sell fast, when things get ugly?
"Watch your step while peering into the abyss. The cliff edge is crumbling faster and is closer than we realize..."
Volcker maneuver loading, standby....
Aug 10, CPI: could we expect over 9.75 to 10.88?


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