Educational Clarification on Events in Distribution
Hi Everyone! The purpose of this video was to provide a correction on a statement made in a previous video and to provide further clarification on common events in different phases of distribution when using Wyckoff Method 2.0.
The following link provides a BASIC understanding of Wyckoff Method 1.0 (Classical Wyckoff Method). What I teach is my own MODERN version of Wyckoff Method that I call, "Wyckoff Method 2.0." Here is the link to BASIC understanding of classical wyckoff method:
I do NOT use Point and Figure Charts nor do I use Volume bars like classical wyckoff method. Some may argue I'm not practicing Wyckoff Method if I'm not using Volume Bar Analysis and Point and Figure. Well, to the contrary, I HAVE BETTER TOOLS than Volume Bars and Point & Figure to draw a better conclusion about current events and up-coming events in phases of Distribution or Accumulation. Richard D. Wyckoff would be THRILLED to have these tools I'm using. He did everything MANUALLY back in his day. I guarantee you he would be using the tools I'm using if he were still here with us today.
I hoped this helped provide a bit more clarification about COMMON events in Phases of Distribution for Wyckoff Method 2.0.