
BTC confusing signals

4H bullish divs and rising MACD and price action faked out from symmetrical triangle then dropped under it. Again price action prints a bullish div. At 8k there was bullish divs before the large dump. Price is not responding to the bullish divs, but if you put indicators aside, price action printed an h pattern.These h patterns will usually fill the wick of their first leg. So price should go down to 3.6k and close the gap at the same time.

Now the damning thing that I was hoping will not happen, the bear pennant was broken and price is continuing down. The measured move from the pennant taking the length of the pole is $1410.

If indicators and divs come into play as normal we should have at least a retest of the ichi cloud, currently price is retesting the support of the bear pennant and looks like it is failing.


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