Market Cap BTC Dominance, %

Satoshi Reserve

Check this out.

"Satoshi" mined 1M BTC before everyone else started mining. "He" is blue. Since then, his balance remained intact.

Red are the biggest mining pools; as you can see, they sold almost everything. They have 150k BTC.

Green are all the other miners. And they currently own 650k BTC.

Everything else is distributed (traded or lost) to the retail.

This makes "Satoshi" the owner of the single largest quantity of BTC 12 years after "he" stopped mining. That is what I call "well-armed."

Now, let's look at when BTC was "born." At the time when 2008. the financial crisis was taking its toll; alternative value storage was created, mined, and released into the world.

Which currency has been hyper-inflated for decades, and which country is trying to regulate the entire crypto world?

Who would want to pull sufficient quantities of money from the market without giving valuable resources, thus increasing the underlying value of the said currency?

Why are banks going down and BTC going up?

And how much manipulation can be done with 1M BTC in the future?


If this scenario is correct, BTC can fix the difference between money's value and the number on the bill.

We will see a lot more bull and bear markets.
Everything that will be done so that most of BTC ends up in the hands of governments. And after that, everything will be done to create scarcity so that the price will increase.

There are 15-20 years more until the last is mined. And the single largest quantity remains intact.

Think about it. It's fun. And scary.
"Democratic Presidential candidate RFK Jr. has unveiled two groundbreaking Bitcoin policy proposals aimed at increasing economic prosperity and freedom in the
United States. His first proposal suggests partially backing the U.S. dollar with hard money like bitcoin and gold, aiming to strengthen the currency, curb inflation and restore
financial stability. The second proposal advocates for no capital gains tax on bitcoin-to-dollar conversions, intending to attract
investment and talent to the United States."

Source: "Bitcoin Magazine" July 19, 2023.


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