
BP - Neutral Iron Condor... BiPolar?

NYSE:BP   BP p.l.c.
Stock has been experiencing some recent options activity and increased IV. Closer look at price action showed what I like to call a "mirror image" pattern. Over the past year, price stayed bullish-neutral-bullish before peaking initially in January. It then hit max peak in June & began mirror image formation from then. Meaning, now it has had the reverse of the bullish-neutral-bullish pattern to have a bearish-neutral -bearish pattern.
Clearly, we had the initial bearish move & are currently in the neutral part of the pattern. The expectation is to stay neutral for now, with readiness for bearish bias in the near future.

32/34/46/48 FEB19 IRON CONDOR @ 0.30 CREDIT

General plan:
Roll if necessary & if possible mainly to reduce risk.
Target maximum profit, unless significant profit appears early.

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