
UPDATE on BNB Falling Wedge! Time to Rise

I have put an analysis about BNBUSDT a couple of days ago and people were like "The falling wedge, instead of breaking up broke down" but let me clarify what happened to it.


Below 260 entry

Take Profit 1: 276
Take Profit 2: 300
Take Profit 3: 350
Take Profit 4: 413

Stop Loss 196

Reward: 40-60%"

Due to BTC dominance, the market always shakes hard when BTC's price rises or falls. And as BTC is now in news, so we need to keep an eye on it as it will directly affect the prices in the crypto market.

On 22nd Feb 2021, Janet Yellen spoke something negative about BTC which crashed the market.

Now, the market seems to be back on track. Hope there is no other negative news about BTC :-)


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