Bitcoin Liquid Index

400K in a prolonged bull market

"...Deus autem per suam sapientiam conditor est universarum rerum, ad quas comparatur sicut artifex ad artificiata, ut in primo habitum est. Est etiam gubernator omnium actuum et motionum quae inveniuntur in singulis creaturis, ut etiam in primo habitum est. Unde sicut ratio divinae sapientiae inquantum per eam cuncta sunt creata, rationem habet artis vel exemplaris vel ideae; ita ratio divinae sapientiae moventis omnia ad debitum finem, obtinet rationem legis. Et secundum hoc, lex aeterna nihil aliud est quam ratio divinae sapientiae, secundum quod est directiva omnium actuum et motionum."

"...God, in His wisdom, is the Creator of all things, and as an artificer is to things designed to be compared to them, as was said in established in Book I. There is also the governor of all of the actions and movements of each are to be found in the individual creature, as is the habit of even in the first. Hence the notion of the divine wisdom whereby things are created character of art, exemplar or idea; so the type of the divine wisdom as moving all things to their due end, bears the character of a law. Accordingly, it is nothing more than the eternal nature of the divine wisdom, which directs all actions and movements."
Sancti Thomae de Aquino
Summa Theologiae
Updated translation:

"Wherefore as the type of the Divine Wisdom, inasmuch as by It all things are created, has the character of art, exemplar or idea; so the type of Divine Wisdom, as moving all things to their due end, bears the character of law. Accordingly the eternal law is nothing else than the type of Divine Wisdom, as directing all actions and movements."

-- Thomas of Aquinas RE: Whether the eternal law is a sovereign type existing in God?

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