Bank Nifty Trading Strategy for 7th July'2020

#banknifty:- Pls avoid shorting.

Decision Zone [ 22,442-22,374]
Resistance Zone:- Don't see anything :) till 24,365.

52W H :- 32,613
52W L :- 16,116

38.2 % 22,428
50.0 % 24,365
61.8% 26,311

Wave 2 is 21,967 to 17,195, so 50% of this wave is 24,398 which coincides with 50% of the fall 24,365.

As per wave structure, the next logical target above 22,418 is 24,365.
BANKNIFTYChart PatternsTechnical IndicatorsniftybankTrend Analysis

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