
#BankNifty route=map for 26th April

TradeInKey 업데이트됨   
NSE:BANKNIFTY   Nifty Bank Index
Please have a look into the chart to get all details, I have tried to draw everything as much i found according to my study.

This Analysis has Based on Harmonic Pattern, Fibo & Price action.

Note:- Any of the mentioned levels will be considered for LONG or SHORT only, when a fresh candle starts forming above or below the level respectively. If there will be any gap-up or gap-down, Then simply drawn levels will be followed as support & resistance Level for trading.

If agree with the Analysis, Then Please LIKE....As well as can Follow me to getting my future analysis.

There is a slight mistake in Down-side Trade level. i have made the box correct but did mistake in writing....
SHORT level will be below @35900
not 35925...

Can go for T2 in up-side from 36520...else everything is mentioned clearly on the chart.

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