알리바바 그룹 홀딩즈 Ltd.

Price Action Intro - channels and ranges examples using BABA D

A brief intro to PA - examples using this D chart of BABA.
See chart for notes and resources to learn more. Hope this helps some struggling traders that have 100 indicators and have no idea why trades fail etc. We have all been there. That next magic $300 indicator is really NOT the holy grail to fix all your woes. But RAW charts and PA just MAY BE the right answer. The problem.. it is DIFFICULT... it takes PREP and STUDY and LEARNING and SCREEN TIME. AND.. there are so so so many scammers in the trading world. I have listed 3 REAL DEAL mentors that are NOT scammers in the chart memo.
If this helps ONE trader avoid a number of my early pitfalls, I will be so happy.

Good luck on your trading journey!
Same chart, earlier during uptrend before turning down 스냅샷


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