12.17% weekly gain when everyone else struggling to make money!

First, I thanks all those who supported me in last week by following me, like my post and writing encouraging comments and transferring TradingView coins. I would like to thanks abail, my follower who send 4600 coin in just on day because of the gain of one of his/her trade..!

The roller coaster week finished dramatically for most of traders, all major indexes experienced their worst week since October. S&P 500, NASDAQ, DOW JONES lost 3.31%, 3.30%, and 3.27% respectively and The famous managed ETF, ARKK lost 5.91% of its value..!
The coin has yet another bright side..! My recommended portfolio for the week gained 12.17% (volume weighted) in the worst week of the market since October. Even if you do not consider epic 277.78% gain of AMC, still the performance is positive and 1.10% gain.
In the last 3 weeks, my recommended portfolios beat all major indexes and ARKK,and beat them 12 out of 14 trading days in terms of performance.

Let’s review the portfolio performance!
1-ADTX @ 3.60 gained 3.61%
2-AKRO @ 31.06 lost -5.28%
3-AMC @ 3.51 gained 277.78%
4-AMD @ 92.79 lost -7.71%
5-BYND @ 140.70 gained 26.57%
6-CFMS @ 1.40 lost -25.71%
7- CRM @ 225.77 lost -0.09
8-EYES @ 1.94 gained 11.34%
9- FUBO @ 37.72 gained 12.01%
10- GNUS @ 1.57 gained 13.38%
11- JE @ 6.85 lost -2.04
12- KIRK @ 28.07 lost -9.30%
13- KODK @ 9.46 gained +1.37%
14- LYL @ 2.71 lost -18.45%
15- MTC @ 2.44 lost -15.06%
16- NIO @ 61.95 lost -7.99%
17- OPTT@ 5.60 lost -28.39%
18- PAYS@ 5 lost -6.40%
19-PLTR @32.58 gained 7.98%
20- SOLO@ 8.16 lost - 5.76
21-SPCE @ 34.58 gained 29.20%
22-SYN @ 0.9116 lost -15.19%
23- THMO @ 2.65 gained 28.68%
24- TSLA @ 846.64 lost -6.27%
25- WKHS @ 23.51 gained 45.98%

This is just my technical view, neither a fundamental comment,nor a recommendation to trade..!

Please review my track record and calculate the odds of success for yourself..!

Don't forget to like, comment, and Follow to encourage me to continue this.

I would appreciate if you share my analysis on your own social media.

You can send TradingView coins to support me publishing high quality ideas..!

Stay tuned great live stream and quality content videos coming soon..!

Wish you a profitable trading week ahead.


관련 발행물
