ADA 2024/ETH 2019

This is a comparison of ada 2024 and eth 2019.

If i look at the percentage movements in eth and ada waves, ada shows a little bit more volume. eth yellow drop down was -40%. if we believe hypothetically that it works the same way, then ada drops by more than -40%,

Almost everything is the same until today. will it continue?. very possible because in btc realtime analysis i got about the same result in waves for the next quarter.
액티브 트레이드
This is from btc analysis update.
but if you put your eyes on macd 1month 2019 and compare today's situation as well (also the other two ofcorse), then this ada and eth comparison analysis is very well supported. the next two months are blood, but lets see👀👽
last three times it has been red for at least 2 months (BTC 1M MACD ja RTI analysis). and this on bitcoin and it is only likely that the same porn will also come to ada coin AND many other coins. good luck
액티브 트레이드
I recommend that you watch Me and ArShevelev in the comments, where we reflect on the year 2019(20)
moraldiscipleWave Analysis
