AAVE has a market cap of $1.2 Billion and is ranked 66th as per their market cap. It has a total supply of 16,000,000 in which 92.5% is circulating in the market. The volume of token has taken a dip of 21% in the intraday session. AAVE coin price is currently near the value of $86.7 with a slight gain in the last 24 hours. The digital asset price is currently trading below the 50 and 200 EMA. If it sees a crossover in the near future than a strong bearish momentum can be seen in the future. The upside trend of AAVE can see a halt near the value of $100. Meanwhile the support for the digital asset price can be seen near $65.
RSI of AAVE is near 41 suggesting its presence in the neutral zone. The overall sentiment of the RSI and MACD is neutral in nature.
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