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Version: v24

Custom Studies Metainfo

The metainfo field is designed to contain the main info about the custom study. For color information in metainfo #RRGGBB or rgba() can be used. Transparency can be set using rgba() color format. Custom Study Metainfo contains following fields:

* - Required

  • _metainfoVersion - a number, metainfo version of the study, the current is 51. Default is 0.
  • id* - a string, should have the form <study name>@tv-basicstudies-1, where study name - your custom study name.
  • description* - a string, it will be displayed in the Indicators window and will be used as a name argument when calling the createStudy method
  • shortDescription* - a string, will be displayed on the chart.
  • isCustomIndicator - boolean, should be true in Custom Study.
  • format - an object with the info about the Price Scale formatting. It has 2 possible keys: type and precision. The format can inherit type from the base series, or it can have price / volume / percent type and an optional integer field precision - precision of the study's output values (quantity of digits after the decimal separator).
  • is_hidden_study - boolean, shows whether the study should appear in Indicators list.
  • is_price_study - boolean, shows whether the study should appear on the main series pane.
  • linkedToSeries - boolean flag, shows whether the study price scale should be the same as the main series one.
  • plots - an array with study plots info, see dedicated article.
  • ohlcPlots - ohlc plots style info, advanced use article.
  • defaults* - an object containing settings that are applied when user clicks Apply Defaults, details.
  • bands - an array with study band info objects with fields:
    • name* - string, appears near band settings in Style tab.
    • id - string, can be used in filledAreas as objAId or objBId.
    • isHidden - boolean flag, set it false if the band should appear in properties dialog.
  • filledAreas - an array of filled areas info. Filled area is a special object, which allows coloring an area between two plots or hlines. Please note, that it is impossible to fill the area between a band and a hline. Filled area contains fields:
    • id* - string, id of the filled area, will be used in defaults field.
    • objAId* - string, id of plot or band (hline).
    • objBId* - string, id of second plot or band (hline).
    • title* - string, will appear on the Style tab.
    • type* - field describing which area should be filled, can be hline_hline (for bands) or plot_plot.
  • palettes - an object with the definitions of palletes that are used in plots and defaults. Palettes allows you use different styles (not only colors) for each line point. This object contains palette names as keys, and palette info as values: []: { colors, valToIndex, addDefaultColor }, where
    • colors* - an object { [color_id]: { name: 'name' }}, where name is a string that will appear on Style tab of study properties dialog.
    • valToIndex - an object, the mapping between the values that are returned by the script and palette colors.
    • addDefaultColor - boolean, if true the defaults are used for colorer type plot, when its value is null or undefined.
  • styles - an object with plot id as keys and style info as values. Style info is an object with keys:
    • title - a string, will be displayed in the Style tab.
    • histogramBase - number, price value which will be considered as a start base point when rendering plot with histogram, columns or area style.
    • joinPoints - boolean, if true then plot points will be joined with line, applicable only to Circles and Cross type plots. Default is false.
    • isHidden - boolean, if set to true then the plot settings should not appear in Style tab.
    • minHeight - plotarrow minimal possible arrow height in pixels. Applicable to arrow plot style.
    • maxHeight - plotarrow maximum possible arrow height in pixels. Applicable to arrow plot style.
    • size - size of characters on the chart. Possible values are: auto, tiny, small, normal, large,huge. Applicable to chars and shapes plot types.
    • text - text to display with the plot. Applicable to chars and shapes plot types.
    • showLast - if set, defines the number of bars (from the last bar back to the past) to plot on chart.
  • inputs - study inputs, an array with inputs info depending on type, see details.