I see 'Memory limits exceeded. The study allocates X times more than allowed' error
To ensure the continued availability of computing resources to all TradingView users, indicators and strategies must not use more memory than specified by our memory limit. If the amount of memory the study requires exceeds that limit, the ‘Memory limits exceeded’ error will appear and the study will return a runtime error. If you encountered the error, you can try optimizing your code so that it consumes less memory. Here are some of the things to pay attention to when you try to optimize your code:
- If your script uses tables, make sure they are used optimally. Displayed table contents always represent the last state of the table, as it was drawn on the script’s last execution, on the dataset’s last bar, so ideally the table only needs to be drawn once, on the first bar, and filled once, on the last bar. Use the `var` keyword to declare tables and enclose all other calls inside an `if barstate.islast` block for better performance. You can learn more about tables in the respective User Manual article.
- Refrain from using `max_bars_back` unless necessary. `max_bars_back` is an argument that sets a specified history buffer for all series variables the indicator uses. By default, Pine already automatically allocates a fitting buffer for each variable, so `max_bars_back` is only necessary when you get the Pine cannot determine the referencing length of a series error. In case you do get the error, try to make the `max_bars_back` value as small as possible: if you have one variable that goes 400 bars back and causes an error, setting `max_bars_back` to 5000 would mean that all variables in the code have a 5000-bar historical buffer on every bar, which requires a lot of memory that is wasted on data that is ultimately not used in the script. You can read up on how to optimize your `max_bars_back` usage in our Help Center.
- Try to use as few `request.security()` calls as possible. The `request.security()` function is computationally expensive. Excessive use can easily make your indicator reach the memory limit. This is especially relevant for request.security() calls that request data from lower timeframes: if you request '1m' data on a '1D' chart, for each 1D bar, the indicator will have to load data for hundreds of 1m bars, allocating a lot of memory in the process. Changing the security timeframe to a higher one or removing request.security() might help.
- The historical buffer is usually created automatically, even when you don’t use `max_bars_back`. Variables referring to distant points in bar history will also increase memory use. Be aware of that when you create variables that reference thousands of bars into history with the `[ ]` operator.
- If you are writing a strategy, the number of trades or orders can also impact the memory used by the script. You can limit the starting point of your strategy to get rid of the unnecessary orders, for example, by adding a separate condition to your entry/exit that compares bar time with a specified timestamp. A good example of date filtering in strategies can be found here.
- Lines and labels created with `line.new()` and `label.new()` functions respectively also use a lot of memory. Delete unnecessary lines and labels using `line.delete()` and `label.delete()` functions, or reduce the maximum quantity defined with `max_lines_count` or `max_labels_count`.