The Pure Price Action Liquidity Sweeps indicator is a pure price action adaptation of our previously published and highly popular Liquidity-Sweeps script. Similar to its earlier version, this indicator detects the presence of liquidity sweeps on the user's chart, while also identifying potential areas of support/resistance or entry when liquidity levels are...
🔵 Introduction The ICT (Inner Circle Trader) style of trading involves analyzing the behavior of market participants and market makers to identify areas where fake buy and sell activities occur. This trading style helps retail traders align with market maker behavior and avoid falling into market traps. A key aspect of the ICT strategy is focusing on liquidity...
The Session Sweeps indicator combines ICT-based features for a complete trading methodology involving market sessions, market structure, and fair value gaps to find optimal entry conditions for trading price action. Traders frequently tend to place stop/limit orders at the high and low points of major trading sessions such as Asian (Tokyo), European (London),...
Counts consecutive Lower Highs and Higher Lows; number resets to zero when previous pivot high or low gets swept -To help give an idea of when a retracement / run-on-stops may be overdue. i.e. the higher the counter number grows, the longer we've gone without a proper retracement. //inputs// ~pivot lookback/lookforward: increase this for more significant pivot...
Tool to show typical pip-grade/ handle-grade sweep distance above pivot highs and pivot lows -In consolidation/ranging periods (i.e. most of the time); Highs/Lows may by swept by fairly consistent distances in typical stop raids. -Idea is from ICT teaching on typical Pip-grade sweeps in FX (10,20,30pips). Designed to work on FX, Indices, Commodities,...