

Library "FrizLabz_Time_Utility_Methods"

Some time to index and index to time helper methods made them for another library thought I would try to make
them as methods

  UTC helper function this adds the + to the positive utc times, add "UTC" to the string
and can be used in the timezone arg of for format_time()
    utc: (int) | +/- utc offset
  Returns: string | string to be added to the timezone paramater for utc timezone usage

  from a time to index
    bar_amount: (int) | default - 1)
  Returns: int bar_time

  from time to bar_index
    _time: (int)
  Returns: int time_to_index | bar_index that corresponds to time provided

  from a time quanity to bar quanity for use with [historical ref].
    _time: (int)
  Returns: int bars_back | yeilds the amount of bars from current bar to reach _time provided

  from bars_back to time
  Returns: int | using same logic as [historical ref.] this will return the
time of the bar = to the bar that corresponds to [x] bars_back

  bar_index to UNIX time
    index: (int)
  Returns: int time | time in unix that corrresponds to the bar_index

to_utc(time_or_index, timezone, format)
  method to use with a time or bar_index variable that will detect if it is an index or unix time
and convert it to a printable string
    time_or_index: (int) required) | time in unix or bar_index
    timezone: (int) required) | utc offset to be appled to output
    format: (string) | default - "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ") | the format for the time, provided string is
default one from str.format_time()
  Returns: string | time formatted string

  Gets the location paramaters of a Line
    line: (line)
  Returns: tuple [int x1,float y1,int x2,float y2]

  Gets the location paramaters of a Box
    box: (box)
  Returns: tuple [int left,float top,int right,float bottom]

  Gets the location paramaters and text of a Label
    label: (label)
  Returns: tuple [int x,float y,string _text]

  Gets line 1 and 2 from a Linefill
    linefill: (linefill)
  Returns: tuple [line line1,line line2]

Format(line, timezone)
  converts Unix time in time or index params to formatted time
and returns a tuple of the params as string with the time/index params formatted
    line: (line) | required
    timezone: (int) | default - na
  Returns: tuple [string x1,string y1,string x2,string y2]

Line(x1, y1, x2, y2, extend, color, style, width)
  similar to with the exception
of not needing to include y2 for a flat line, y1 defaults to close,
and it doesnt require xloc.bar_time or xloc.bar_index, if no x1
    x1: (int) default - time
    y1: (float) default - close
    x2: (int) default - last_bar_time/last_bar_index | not required for line that ends on current bar
    y2: (float) default - y1 | not required for flat line
    extend: (string) default - extend.none | extend.left, extend.right, extend.both
    color: (color) default - chart.fg_color
    style: (string) default - line.style_solid | line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed,
line.style_arrow_both, line.style_arrow_left, line.style_arrow_right
  Returns: line

Box(left, top, right, bottom, extend, border_color, bgcolor, text_color, border_width, border_style, txt, text_halign, text_valign, text_size, text_wrap)
  similar to but only requires top and bottom to create box,
auto detects if it is bar_index or time used in the (left) arg. xloc.bar_time and xloc.bar_index are not used
args are ordered by purpose | position -> colors -> styling -> text options
    left: (int) default - time
    top: (float) required
    right: (int) default - last_bar_time/last_bar_index | will default to current bar index or time
depending on (left) arg
    bottom: (float) required
    extend: (string) default - extend.none | extend.left, extend.right, extend.both
    border_color: (color) default - chart.fg_color
    bgcolor: (color) default -,75)
    text_color: (color) default - chart.bg_color
    border_width: (int) default - 1
    border_style: (string) default - line.style_solid | line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed,
    txt: (string) default - ''
    text_halign: (string) default - text.align_center | text.align_left, text.align_right
    text_valign: (string) default - text.align_center | text.align_top, text.align_bottom
    text_size: (string) default - size.normal | size.tiny, size.small, size.large, size.huge
    text_wrap: (string) default - text.wrap_auto | text.wrap_none
  Returns: box

Label(x, y, txt, yloc, color, textcolor, style, size, textalign, text_font_family, tooltip)
  similar to but only requires no args to create label,
auto detects if it is bar_index or time used in the (x) arg. xloc.bar_time and xloc.bar_index are not used
args are ordered by purpose | position -> colors -> styling -> text options
    x: (int) default - time
    y: (float) default - high or low | depending on bar direction
    txt: (string) default - ''
    yloc: (string) default - yloc.price | yloc.price, yloc.abovebar, yloc.belowbar
    color: (color) default - chart.fg_color
    textcolor: (color) default - chart.bg_color
    style: (string) default - label.style_label_down | label.style_none
label.style_flag, label.style_circle, label.style_arrowup, label.style_arrowdown,
label.style_label_up, label.style_label_down, label.style_label_left, label.style_label_right,
label.style_label_lower_left, label.style_label_lower_right, label.style_label_upper_left,
label.style_label_upper_right, label.style_label_center, label.style_square,
    size: (string) default - size.normal | size.tiny, size.small, size.large, size.huge
    textalign: (string) default - text.align_center | text.align_left, text.align_right
    text_font_family: (string) default - font.family_default | font.family_monospace
    tooltip: (string) default - na
  Returns: label
릴리즈 노트
Library "FrizLabz_Time_Utility_Methods"

  UTC helper function this adds the + to the positive utc times, add "UTC" to the string
and can be used in the timezone arg of for format_time()
    utc: (int) | +/- utc offset
  Returns: string | string to be added to the timezone paramater for utc timezone usage

  from a time to index
    bar_amount: (int) | default - 1)
  Returns: int bar_time

  from time to bar_index
    _time: (int)
  Returns: int time_to_index | bar_index that corresponds to time provided

  from a time quanity to bar quanity for use with [historical ref].
    _time: (int)
  Returns: int bars_back | yeilds the amount of bars from current bar to reach _time provided

  from bars_back to time
  Returns: int | using same logic as [historical ref.] this will return the
time of the bar = to the bar that corresponds to [x] bars_back

  bar_index to UNIX time
    index: (int)
  Returns: int time | time in unix that corrresponds to the bar_index

to_utc(time_or_index, timezone, format)

  Gets the location paramaters of a Box
  Returns: tuple [int left,float top,int right,float bottom]

  Gets the location paramaters and text of a Label
  Returns: tuple [int x,float y,string _text]

  Gets line 1 and 2 from a Linefill
  Returns: tuple [line line1,line line2]


Format(line, timezone)

Line(x1, y1, x2, y2, extend, color, style, width)

Box(left, top, right, bottom, extend, border_color, bgcolor, text_color, border_width, border_style, txt, text_halign, text_valign, text_size, text_wrap)

Label(x, y, txt, yloc, color, textcolor, style, size, textalign, text_font_family, tooltip)
릴리즈 노트

  UTC helper function this adds the + to the positive utc times, add "UTC" to the string
and can be used in the timezone arg of for format_time()
    utc: (int) +/- utc offset
  Returns: string string to be added to the timezone paramater for utc timezone usage

  from a time to index
    bar_amount: (int) default - 1)
  Returns: int bar_time

  from time to bar_index
    _time: (int)
  Returns: int time_to_index bar_index that corresponds to time provided

  from a time quanity to bar quanity for use with [historical ref].
    _time: (int)
  Returns: int bars_back yeilds the amount of bars from current bar to reach _time provided

  from bars_back to time
  Returns: int using same logic as [historical ref.] this will return the
time of the bar = to the bar that corresponds to [x] bars_back

  bar_index to UNIX time
    index: (int)
  Returns: int time time in unix that corrresponds to the bar_index

to_utc(time_or_index, timezone, format)
  method to use with a time or bar_index variable that will detect if it is an index or unix time
and convert it to a printable string
    time_or_index: (int) required) time in unix or bar_index
    timezone: (int) required) utc offset to be appled to output
    format: (string) default - "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ") the format for the time, provided string is default
one from str.format_time()
  Returns: string time formatted string

  Gets line 1 and 2 from a Linefill
    linefill: (linefill)
  Returns: tuple line line1,line line2

Format(line, timezone)
  converts Unix time in time or index params to formatted time
and returns a tuple of the params as string with the time/index params formatted
    line: (line) required
    timezone: (int) default - na
  Returns: tuple string x1,string y1,string x2,string y2

Line(x1, y1, x2, y2, extend, color, style, width)
  similar to with the exception
of not needing to include y2 for a horizontal line, y1 defaults to close,
and it doesnt require xloc.bar_time or xloc.bar_index, if no x1
    x1: (int) default - time
    y1: (float) default - close
    x2: (int) default - last_bar_time/last_bar_index not required for line that ends on current bar
    y2: (float) default - y1 not required for flat line
    extend: (string) default - extend.none extend.left, extend.right, extend.both
    color: (color) default - chart.fg_color
    style: (string) default - line.style_solid line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed,
line.style_arrow_both, line.style_arrow_left, line.style_arrow_right
  Returns: line object

Box(left, top, right, bottom, extend, border_color, bgcolor, text_color, border_width, border_style, txt, text_halign, text_valign, text_size, text_wrap)
  similar to but only requires top and bottom to create box,
auto detects if it is bar_index or time used in the (left) arg. xloc.bar_time and xloc.bar_index are not used
args are ordered by purpose position -> colors -> styling -> text options
    left: (int) default - time
    top: (float) required
    right: (int) default - last_bar_time/last_bar_index will default to current bar index or time depending on (left) arg
    bottom: (float) required
    extend: (string) default - extend.none extend.left, extend.right, extend.both
    border_color: (color) default - chart.fg_color
    bgcolor: (color) default -,75)
    text_color: (color) default - chart.bg_color
    border_width: (int) default - 1
    border_style: (string) default - line.style_solid line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed,
    txt: (string) default - ''
    text_halign: (string) default - text.align_center text.align_left, text.align_right
    text_valign: (string) default - text.align_center text.align_top, text.align_bottom
    text_size: (string) default - size.normal size.tiny, size.small, size.large, size.huge
    text_wrap: (string) default - text.wrap_auto text.wrap_none
  Returns: box object

Label(x, y, txt, yloc, color, textcolor, style, size, textalign, text_font_family, tooltip)
  similar to but only requires no args to create label,
auto detects if it is bar_index or time used in the (x) arg. xloc.bar_time and xloc.bar_index are not used
args are ordered by purpose position -> colors -> styling -> text options
    x: (int) default - time
    y: (float) default - high or low depending on bar direction
    txt: (string) default - ''
    yloc: (string) default - yloc.price yloc.price, yloc.abovebar, yloc.belowbar
    color: (color) default - chart.fg_color
    textcolor: (color) default - chart.bg_color
    style: (string) default - label.style_label_down label.style_none
label.style_flag, label.style_circle, label.style_arrowup, label.style_arrowdown,
label.style_label_up, label.style_label_down, label.style_label_left, label.style_label_right,
label.style_label_lower_left, label.style_label_lower_right, label.style_label_upper_left, label.style_label_upper_right,
label.style_label_center, label.style_square, label.style_diamond
    size: (string) default - size.normal size.tiny, size.small, size.large, size.huge
    textalign: (string) default - text.align_center text.align_left, text.align_right
    text_font_family: (string) default - font.family_default font.family_monospace
    tooltip: (string) default - na
  Returns: label
릴리즈 노트
v4 bug fixes
릴리즈 노트
Changed: index_time() to index_to_time() so that index_to_time() and time_to_index() closer match in names

Removed: GET(), Format(), Line(), Label(), Box()
I'll be releasing a library that has functions that mirror these

릴리즈 노트
Fixed display
