2019년 5월 11일 오후 10시 17분

Denial Phase Bubble SPY 



I have waiting for months to pop these fraud, in the last 5 months,market manipulation created by false optimizing about a possible trade deal, the level of stupidity of these fund managers and media is just amazing, just a week ago, CNCB publish that a trade deal was in the cards May first News at 2:00 pm so people by the dip, but i think these was all planned to created a bigger bubble than before, the thing is that every managers is not only short vix like crazy if the make the idea that the market has a trump put and powell put, there is not such thing,market once loose confidence about what is the facts:

Since feb 2018 tarif has been in china and US, nearly 15 months, and now we do not have a trade deal these could take years because China Does not bend the knew to easy, Meanwhile apple iphones going to be more expensive,semiconductors, that already have a problem,they even took intel to 60 and the sell it to the public because semis are really bad, everyone hates these rally because is just like a bitcoin rally, no base at all just PPL Buying dip dont even let it fall 10 cents. They have manipulated the dollar and yen trade, manipulated the 10 year, but the distorsions of reality are so absurd just look the montly chart of micrsofft, they to in 6 weeks 5 companys to a nearly a trillion dollars base on futures gaps, i mean my question is everybody see these? so if possible the market rally from 20% to even higher and think once the bubble pops we are gonna acelerating droping like never before the bigger the rise the bigger they fall. how long people realize that is just bear market rally? its looks like 2008 all over again seriuosly, how homebuldiers etf is at all time high and nobody is buying home, these is a big fraud and the market does no even star to believe, i will believe in these market if they test 200 MA, and go back up, why should i risk 1 dolar for win 10 cents? hope people realize what is truth and what is not. we are extremely overvalued, and earnings are not so good. just apple had a another bad quarter and they took apple with to 215? seriously? what a WS bullish. this is just casino to me ready to implode.

Gl to everyone. These is my honest opinion, once i listen to an CNBC Idiot telling "the market is never wrong" sure they were not in 2000,2008,2015, 1927,1987 history tend to repeat its self because human behavior never change times yes, but humans are kill by greed and stupidity.
