
SP500 (Short Movement)

OANDA:SPX500USD   S&P 500 인덱스
SP500 Index NewForecast
(Structure: Short )
The price has dropped and continues to do so as we predicted, aiming for a retest at 5302 and 5281. It has already reached 5302 and is now moving towards 5281.

Currently, the SP500 is undergoing a corrective retracement targeting 5281. At this point, we should monitor whether it breaches 5281. Stability below 5281 would indicate a continuation of the bearish trend towards 5264. Conversely, stability above 5281 would signal the potential beginning of a bullish trend.

Pivot Line: 5301
Resistance Levels: 5320, 5340, 5357
Support Levels: 5281, 5263, 5227

Today’s expected trading range is between the support 5264 and the resistance 5330.

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