2015년 2월 1일 오후 8시 58분

Nat Gas - Big Picture 

Henry Hub Natural Gas FuturesNYMEX


The support zone is clear - Too clear

So this time, i wont act on it.

I am watching and if the next few months bring the front contract at ridiculous levels below 2.00, 1.00 maybe who knows, then i ll buy the front contract.

Nothing here for me. If there was something it would be a buy and i dont feel it. So neutral.
How Nat Gas is related to Crude Oil?
i dont think it will hit below 2...last time it fell lowest at 2.2 and i fee it will rebound form there...right now at 2.6X. Best one to trade is UGAZ...3X of UNG.
Not doing anything here.. if does not fall, it s a pass for me. Focusing on other things and dont want to feel sorry.

"last time"... that's exactly what the chart is meant to make you do: buy... Watch out, too obvious this time..
To be more precise i will buy 1.40 if reached.

It is very tempting here. Will refrain