2020년 5월 14일 오후 12시 34분

EMA 50/150/5/10 Hedging 

iShares Russell 2000 Growth ETFArca


Hedging strategy by Puru Saxena (@saxena_puru) mentioned on Twitter .

If EMA 50 days is below the EMA 150 days we are in a down trend so let's look at EMA 5 day if it's under EMA 10 days and if these are true then start Hedging your portfolio using the beta value.

Stop hedging when EMA 5 day is over EMA 10 day or EMA 40 days is over EMA 150 days.

@cperruna on Twitter mentions this new way of handling hedging as well.
From his Twitter account:

23) In terms of indicators, I only hedge when IWO closes below its 150day ema AND its 5day ema is also < 10day ema.

As long as IWO is below the 150day ema, I keep hedging/covering on 5/10ema crosses. When IWO closes above the 150day ema, I remove the hedges and ignore the the 5/10ema cross.
@Franchise1375 Thanks for the comment. You are right. I’m going to fix it to use the price.
He doesn't use the 50 day in his calculation. It's when the price crosses below 150 day. Thanks for creating!
Hi, would you be able to make this code public? Would love to take a look!