EUR/CAD - Short-term Setup (Sell)

Currently looking at a Sell setup during 8:00 - 9:30 UTC today for EUR/CAD.
Validation for the bears would be at around: 1.42281 <-- so use your own validation system, last kiss and etc.

I'm expecting it drop just about 50-85 pips when we get that validation. I would recommend you put a SL in profit at around 11:00 - 12:00 UTC and even possible setup for a reversal. I shall make sure to drop another analysis later this morning if I do see a reversal setup.

Yesterday on the short-term analysis we caught about 50-70 pips depending on your entry. So lets see what shor-term pips we can catch today!
bellow is yesterday's setup
EUR/CAD Analysis - (Short-term setup & possible setup for hold)
