DRYS indicates future economic activity - reserve shipping order

DRYS is a leading indicator, its future orders, reservations for space on ships, indicates what manufacturers and distributors feel they will need to sell goods globally 6 months to a year out. This chart is a close up of the summer of 2011. Each indicator shown here is almost exactly at he momentum point that DRYS is at now. Its previous chart pattern has 4 points of interest that match almost exactly the current time period, as well as the shape and breadth of the bollinger bands, and the similar breadth and direction of the 50 to 200 day MA. As much as I have been saying I think this move lower, goes eventually much lower, if we are to repeat the summer of 2011, and if oil finds its bottom soon, I may have to alter that thinking to say the next dip may be the time to exit TZA and go TNA. Watching carefully here
