2022년 1월 1일 오전 12시 49분

New Year 2022's Resolutions for All TRADERS 교육

Bitcoin / USDFTX


_*__*___*____*_____*______*_______* HAPPY NEW YEAR _______* ______*_____*____*__*_

0-set your own prioritizes again:

1-Get to know yourself better before trading .
2-Get healthier in all aspects.
3-Forgive yourself for your previous failings.
4-Break large goals down into smaller ones.
5-Upgrade your trading plan
6-Discipline to new Trading Plan
7-Diligently Making Analysis
8-Improve on your risk management strategy
9-begin with a demo testing .
10-Keep your goals focused on performance, not capital necessarily .
11-Track your progress
12-minimize your risks and Cut Losses Short
13-know when to be aggressive and when to be defensive in trading
14-maximize your profit and Let The Winners Run
15-distantce your ego and emotional reactions from your trading
16-Go beyond by auto-trading(algorithmic-trading
17-Reward yourself for sticking with your resolutions.
18-take away from misleading social medias
19-consistancy and perseverance are vital
20-define right position sizing for your strategy
21-foces more on your risk/reward ratio not high wining rate
22-create a great watchlist and trade on a few, and never overtrade


💹2021 return:
#Real_State +35%
#Stocks +27 %
#Bonds -2%
#GOLD -4%