
Impact of CME Expiration Date on BTC

pkb6698 업데이트됨   
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The CME expiration date has a major impact on BTC's trend transition. Inverse head and shoulders pattern & CME expiration date, Triangle pattern & CME expiration date.

1. Current Coin Market Status
- Coin Cap : 179 Billion $
- Bitcoin Dominance : 52.0%
- Volume by National Currencies : USD(36.5%), JPY(44.2%), KRW (4.09%)

2. The Comparison of Coin Market Cap
- Coin Cap : about 179 billion $
- Stock Market Cap around the world : about 50 trillion $ / 0.27%
- Korean Stock Market Cap : about 1760 billion $ / 10%
- Samsung Electronics Cap : about 240 billoion $ > Coin Cap

3. Futures Expiration date
1) CME : On the last Friday of every month at 4 pm / UTC
2) CBOE : On Third Wednesday of each month at 10 pm / UTC

4. The Long-Term BTC Forecast
- A similarity with the 2015 bottom & Influence of halving
- The rising curve by pattern

5. 2021, The bubble of new industry for overcoming economic crisis?

6. Around CME Expiration Date, since BTC trends often change or price fluctuations increase, you should look more carefully. The charts listed below are some of my previous analyses of how the CME expiration date has affected BTC pricing. Please check. If you liked this idea, please, 'Thumbs up', 'Follow', 'Comment'~^^

1) CME Expiration Date on June 2018 )

2) CME Expiration Date on July 2018 )

3) CME Expiration Date on December 2018 )

4) CME Expiration Date on March 2019 )

연관 아이디어


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