2023년 8월 15일 오전 8시 28분

BTC/USD - Jessie Livermore's Chart 

Bitcoin Liquid IndexBrave New Coin


Hey everyone, long time no see! I hope you're all doing well.

I was looking at some charts recently and I was struck by how similar the BTC chart is to Jessie Livermore's chart.

The BTC chart shows a similar pattern to Livermore's chart. There are periods of rapid growth followed by periods of consolidation. This is a classic pattern for a market that is in a bull trend.

I'm not saying that BTC is going to follow the same path as Livermore's chart. But the similarities are certainly worth noting. It's possible that BTC is in the early stages of a major bull market.

I'll keep you updated on my thoughts as the market develops.

In the meantime, stay safe and trade carefully!